In case of rulebreaks, the common reaction is: Warn => tempBan => permBan.
This can be overwritten when required/necessary.
Permanent Bans are usually only issued by HeadMods or Administration.
Instantly bannable offenses
- Age below 18 years.
- Griefing.
- Racism, RL-Nationalism, Sexism and other Discrimination.
- No MicSpam/VoiceSpam - NoiseSpam in General.
- Posting NSFW content.
- Advertisement (even in Discord Username or Status).
- tbc
InGame Rules
- No abuse (not roles/permissions/rights nor game/mod bugs or server settings)
- No MicSpam.
- Stay out of General Chat (Use Proximity or Nation/Settlement/Group Chat Tabs!)
- tbc
RP Rules
- No Stealing! (For now! This might change later - for Thievery-RP.)
- No Random PlayerKilling (PK without any reason)
- No harassing players/settlements.
- No ignoring consequences.
- No interfering with RolePlay situations. Do not break other peoples immersion - and remember you can't hear people through walls and such.
- No discrimination against RolePlayers or people who do not want to use their mic.
- tbc
Community Rules
- NoNo-Topics: Religion, Politrix.
- No DMing Members.
- No @mention spam.
- Stay friendly!
- No asking for special treatment/roles/rights - open a Ticket in #support!
- Keep trolling to a friendly minimum (at roughly banter-level).
- No memespamming outside designated channels.
- No shittalk outside designated channels.
- tbc...